Monday, February 6, 2012

It's Too Late to be Exceptionally Creative

          I'll admit, I've had this blog for months.  But until now, I've basically been either too busy, too lazy, or a combination of the two to actually write something.  Well here I am now.  At 1:02 AM.  I can't sleep, and I don't have that much homework to do.  So I figured now is as good a time as any to get this thing up and running.  This post isn't meant to say a whole lot.  Just look at the title.  That pretty much says it all.  But what I am writing this for is to introduce you to what I want to discuss in the upcoming days, weeks, months, however long it takes.
          If you were to ask me the one thing that has defined my life and dominated my thoughts recently, I would tell you love (or the lack thereof).  And I think a lot of people probably are the same way.  Love is something that is central to all of our lives, whether you admit it or not.  We were created to love and be loved.  So with that in mind and Valentine's Day coming up, I thought this would be a good time to try to really dig into what love is and isn't, from a Biblical perspective.  Hopefully what follows can get people thinking, maybe spark some good discussion.  Who knows.  The Spirit will lead as He may.  I only ask that other believers who read and follow me will pray for guidance, clarity, and wisdom for me, that  I can keep my own personal opinions and prejudices from clouding my vision so what I say won't lead anyone astray.  Thanks everyone.  Catch ya later.